ICYMI: 18th – 24th of March

Spring is finally here! 100% honest: this morning I had to pretend to not notice raindrops very VERY similar to  snowflakes…but hey, yesterday I was lying in the park with the sun kissing my white pale face! I love spring way more than I love Mondays, but here we are starting the week with energy, keeping up on the news of the sector and the … Continue reading ICYMI: 18th – 24th of March

ICYMI: 12th – 17th of March

Good morning everyone! What’s better than starting the day by putting the amazing engine that our brain is into work?! So cut the chatter and straight to the news that hit us the most! We wish you all a great day!   1. Traditional brick and mortar retailers Walmart and Target are beating online retail giant Amazon on Wall Street. “Apparently, something has changed in … Continue reading ICYMI: 12th – 17th of March

Retail Design Stories: the BEAUTY industry

The beauty industry is booming: in 2017 the US beauty market was valued $532 billion, and it is expected to reach $806 billion by 2023. Being part of the huge wellness mega-trend that started to spread in our society a decade ago, this growth is characterised by all the contemporary trends that we also find in other areas of consumption: online sales growing exponentially, consumers … Continue reading Retail Design Stories: the BEAUTY industry

ICYMI: 4th – 11th of March

Goodmorning and welcome back to another quick session of fresh news before hitting the weak ahead! From SXSW to new store concepts and the importance of physical presence in brick and mortar, everything and more you need to know to keep the pace of this fuzzy and ever-changing world known as “retail”. Hope you all have a great week!   1. What’s going on in … Continue reading ICYMI: 4th – 11th of March

International Women’s Day is approaching: what does it mean for brands and retailers in the age of #MeToo and Time’s Up?

The retail calendar is divided into a series of days and events which are today pretty well established, with certain practices and initiatives instore and online. Of course living in such an ever changing world, the list is open and new things pop up every now and then and become significant in their own way. International Women’s Day is an event that has been present … Continue reading International Women’s Day is approaching: what does it mean for brands and retailers in the age of #MeToo and Time’s Up?

Subscribed-everything: the subscription-based business model continues to grow

This morning you’ve probably had your coffee while reading the news from an online newspaper, been commuting while listening to Spotify, once in the office you’ve commented with your colleague the last episode of that series on Netflix. Without even noticing we are totally immersed in the subscription economy. Subscriptions have been on the rise in the past few years, and today they occupy almost … Continue reading Subscribed-everything: the subscription-based business model continues to grow

ICYMI: 18th – 24th February

Guten morgen everyone! Hope you are not feeling sleep deprived as I do this morning. I am going for a coffee + Yerba mate today, self explanatory I would say. How does your week ahead look like? Wish you all an exciting one! What’s better than starting it by keeping up with the latest news from the retail landscape?! Please scroll to read the most … Continue reading ICYMI: 18th – 24th February

ICYMI: 10th – 17th of February

San Valentine weekend is over! Did you get the expected results? Have you, as a consumer, celebrated it somehow? I went and had a doner kebab with my lovely one, sooo very romantic! Before go and hit another intense week please go and read some of the news we have  detected as relevant from the past few days! Hope you enjoy it and wish you … Continue reading ICYMI: 10th – 17th of February

ICYMI: 5th – 11th of February

February has always been a strange month to me: slow, lazy and cold but also the month I was born, which always means huge celebrations. Big ups and downs, as the news I’m reading in these days. Fashion dancing with diversity and inclusion but at the same time taking false steps here and there; some retailers embracing enthusiastically new trends and consumer’s need and others … Continue reading ICYMI: 5th – 11th of February